An Attempt at Open-Source using GIT

I'm smashing my head against a brick wall until I understand version control and Jekyll.

This is built on the Balzac Jekyll theme by Cole Townsend. I’d love to think that I one day I might be able to offer up a pull request of some modest use to help contribute.

I’m going to use this theme as my boilerplate and attempt to add in better support for image-focused content.

I want to start working in the open more so that I can learn more whilst contributing to the community in whatever little way possible.

About Balzac


  • flexible, uses max-width for responsive goodness
  • responsive drop down menu
  • retina images using @2x
  • post loop in the footer showing 3 latest post
  • custom portfolio page for case studies


CT took Michael Rose’s theme Minimal Mistakes. Having a prebuilt archive and the YAML front-matter already set up was a great help.

Many thanks to Daniel Bruce for the wonderful Entypo icons. Those can be picked up at, but are included with the source files. It’s also retina ready via retina.js. Check out how that works over at

The Name

Balzac was a famous writer, known for his beautiful prose. I read some Balzac in school, but mostly feel comfort in the name of my favorite coffee shop in Stratford, Ontario.